Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Second Episode: Incantations part one

Eavesdropping the ultraworld. Machines, mathematical equations, futurisms, emptiness, loneliness. No talking this time.

John Robinson Pierce - variations in timbre and attack
Christopher Preissing - still point
Capricorni Pneumatici - cavità
David Lewin - study no. 1
Massimo Croce - dinamismo di un'automobile
Lichens - kopernik tripnote
Gimu - the loop called xia, reworked
Xopher Davidson - pool of memory
Scanner - That's Okay
Keroøàcidu Suäväk - provisões espaciais
The Sun God - further dialouge & discussion (part 2)
      Whitehouse - dedicated to denis andrew nilsen
      Whitehouse - bloodfucking
Casadolcecasa - dal bagno
David Lewin - study no. 2

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